International Workshop on Behavioural Sciences and Urban-Rural Development in Developing Countries

Cynthia Beerbower Room, Newnham College, University of Cambridge, UK

Day One (Monday, 24 July 2023)

  1. Welcome and introduction of the research project (PPTs)
  2. Introduction of the workshop programme (Group assignment)
  3. Behavioural sciences: past, present and future (PPTs Readings)
  4. Nudge (PPTs Readings)
  5. Case studies – eNudge (PPTs Readings)
  6. Online Panel Data (OPD) tutorials
  7. Experiments

Day Two (Tuesday, 25 July 2023)

  1. Prospect theory – renference dependence (PPTs)
  2. Prospect theory – loss aversion (PPTs)
  3. Herding, sentiment, and emotion (PPTs)
  4. Experiments

Day Three (Wednesday, 26 July 2023)

  1. Social preference (PPTs)
  2. Case study – Behavioural Insight Team (Can we nudge to Net Zero)
  3. Case study – Discrimination in the London rental housing market
  4. Group project & workshop feedback form